Alternate Mode Continuously and sequentially inflate and deflate air cells to mimic natural sleep movement patterns and avoid long term pressurization of tissue, providing protection against ischemia while stimulating blood circulation. For all patients as indicated May be used with frequent monitoring and care Replacement Mattress System Overlay Mattress System.
Static Mode Provides a stable surface at lower pressure for therapy to occur. The mode auto reverts after 20 mins.
Seat Inflate Mode In case where patient needs to sit up or placed onto fowler’s position, seat inflate mode offers additional increase in the pressure of the whole mattress to have better support especially on the sacrum area.
Max Firm Mode Other than inflating a new mattress, Max Firm feature is normally used to stabilize the mattress for nursing procedure. After 20 minutes in Max Firm Mode, the system is reverted back to previous setting in QubiCell AUTO or to Alternate Mode for the rest of the QubiCell models.
Low Pressure Alarm To notify carers if there is a situation of inadequate cell pressure. Power Failure Alarm To notify carers if there is a situation of power loss or lead unplugged. Tech Support Alarm To notify carers when the system needs to be repaired by technicians.
Panel Lock Automatically locks the panel in order to prevent unauthorized change of settings.